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Dr. Haytham Hussein

AXA independent research fellow

Dr Haytham Hussein is the recipient of the prestigious international AXA independent research fellowship. Dr Haytham Hussein is a physical chemist focusing on sustainability, semiconductors technologies, recycling, energy storage and conversion, materials synthesis, and developing analytical techniques to understand the physicochemical processes and chemical reactions. Dr Haytham Hussein was awarded his PhD degree at the University of Warwick under the supervision of Prof. Julie V. Macpherson, where he developed identical location aberration-corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) methods to study electrochemical events at the surface, such as electrodeposition of single atoms, catalysts behaviour under accelerated stress test conditions, and Li-ion (de)intercalation within 1D V2O5 nanobelts. Dr Haytham Hussein then joined the University of Southampton to work under the supervision of Prof. Phil Bartlett FRS as an EPSRC research fellow to deliver a £6 M EPSRC project on the electrochemical synthesis of infra-red, thermoelectric, and phase change memory materials such as HgCdTe, BiTe, GeSbTe, and ZnTe.

Dr. Haytham Hussein
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